This site is used for the purpose of sharing Gifs from around the web. We use Gifs with the understanding of the Fair Use Act / DMCA. Family Gifs is a blog-website created to promote family friendly Gifs and content. We understand many Gif websites allow users to access Gifs that would be considered adult content. Family Gifs is a collection of family/work/minor-friendly Gifs provided for anyone to view and also to submit their own Gifs / pictures, however not all will be displayed. This site was created to filter out all but not limited to, bad content, adult content, questionable content, objectionable content for the use of safe browsing. Most Gif sites allow users to view bad/adult content by default. Family Gifs takes out the risk by carefully choosing which Gif / pictures to display so that no matter what Gif or picture is showing it will not be bad/adult material or have any harsh/inappropriate words displayed.
If there is an issue with a picture and/or Gif please contact us at the email provided below. Please include the URL of the picture / Gif and your contact information.
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